prunos triloba lindl.

ALMENDRO FLORIDA (prunos triloba lindl.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunos triloba lindl.
Family: Rosaceae.

Place of Origin: China.

Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Triloba, from the Latin trilobus - a - um, with three lobes, referring to its leaves.

Description: deciduous shrub or seedling of up to 5 meters in height with leaves or ovadas obovada of 2. 5 - 6. 5 cm. long and 2 - 3 cm. wide, cuneadas at both ends, sometimes triloba in the young shoots. Doubly serrated margin, slightly pubescent on the underside. White - pink flowers of 2 - 2. 5 cm. in diameter, solitary or in pairs, sitting. It blooms from March to April, before the appearance of the leaves. Soft fruit, globose tomentosa and about 1 cm. in diameter.

Cultivation and uses: He prefers slightly acidic soil, rich and not too humid, with a sunny exposure, or half shade. By pruning is formed with carrying tree, requiring regular pruning to a greater flowering. Sensitive to attacks by insects and aphids.

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