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Diseases List (B)
BACTERIAL MENINGITIS BACTERIAL MENINGITIS Bacterial Meningitis Bacterial infection of the membranes that cover the brain and the spinal marrow (meninges). It can appear to all the ages but ... More Information
Balanitis Balanitis Balanitis Inflammation of the penis in males not circumcised. Causes Infection by bacteria under the foreskin that affects the bálano or glans. S ... More Information
BARRET's Esophagus BARRET's Esophagus Barrett's Esophagus ... More Information
Basal Cell OF SKIN CANCER Basal Cell OF SKIN CANCER Basal cell skin cancer Skin cancer that affects the basal layer of epidermis. The basal cell cancer is locally invasive, non producinedo metastases. ... More Information
Bedwetting Bedwetting To wet the bed Urinary Incontinencia during the dream in greater children of five years. Three times commonest in children than in children. One ... More Information
Bell's palsy Bell's palsy Paralysis of Bell Paralysis of a side of the face. It takes the name of the first doctor who described it. Affected parts One takes place by t ... More Information
Benign Leucoplakia Benign Leucoplakia Leucoplaquia Zone compacted in the fine layers that have the mouth or the language. Parts of the body that affects Mainly inside the cheek, sky ... More Information
Benign prostatic hypertrophy Benign prostatic hypertrophy Benign Hipertrofia of prostate It consists of the engrandecimiento, employee of the age of the prostate gland: Its prevalence (amount of total cas ... More Information
BESO'S DISEASE BESO'S DISEASE Kissing disease An infectious viral disease that affects the respiratory system, liver and lymph system. Teens and young adults (10 to 40 years). F ... More Information
Biliary dyskinesia Biliary dyskinesia Disquinesias biliary Introduction Digestive Apparatus The digestive apparatus must like function assure the digestion or assimilation different fo ... More Information
BIPOLAR DISORDER BIPOLAR DISORDER The bipolar upheaval or bipolar affective upheaval, known previously like circular madness or mani'aco-depressive psychosis, is a suffering that usua ... More Information
BIRD FLU BIRD FLU The bird influenza or influenza of the chicken, is an infectious disease that attacks the birds. It has been caused by stocks To of the virus of the ... More Information
Blepharitis Blepharitis Blepharitis Inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Part affected Subsequent eyelids, eyelashes, Meibonio glands (which lubricate the eyelids), con ... More Information
BOTULISM BOTULISM Botulism A non-contagious form of severe food poisoning caused by ingestion of food contaminated with a toxin that seriously affects the nervous syst ... More Information
Brain abscess Brain abscess Brain abscess Accumulation of pus caused by a bacterial infection of the brain. Age It affects all ages. Often, people do not get to find out the p ... More Information
BRAIN CANCER BRAIN CANCER The brain is the organ of the body on which all the reactions depend that allow us to act like human beings. It is a gelatinous mass of gisáceo colo ... More Information
Brain Cancer Brain Cancer It is not known well which is its origin, but between some identified factors they can be. - the genetics, that is a very important factor since in ... More Information
BRAIN INJURY HAEMORRHAGIC BRAIN INJURY HAEMORRHAGIC In normal conditions, the neurons do not have direct bonding with the blood, since it separates another type of called cells Glia, that form a barrie ... More Information
BREAST CANCER BREAST CANCER Breast cancer A malignant growth of breast tissue. The cancer can spread mainly to the nearby lymph nodes and less frequently to remote organs (lungs ... More Information
Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis Bronchiolitis Inflammation of the bronchioles, the smallest ramifications of the respiratory tree. Transported from the air ducts to the larger bron ... More Information
BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS Virus or bacteria is caused by that cause the acute inflammation of the bronchi, that are the conduits that they connect to the trachea with the lung ... More Information
BRONQUITIS BRONQUITIS Virus or bacteria is caused by that cause the acute inflammation of the bronchi, that are the conduits that they connect to the trachea with the lung ... More Information
BRUCELLOSIS BRUCELLOSIS Brucellosis A bacterial infection transmitted to humans through cows, pigs, sheep or goats infected. It is not contagious between people. Subsequent ... More Information
Bulimia Bulimia Bulimia It is a mental disorder that is characterized by the habit of eating large quantities of food in a short period of time. The affected person ... More Information
Bunion Bunion Juanetes, also known like Hallux valgus, is prominencias or bony deformations of great size, that they are developed in the base of the big toe of th ... More Information
BURSITIS BURSITIS The causes that originate it can be several: - Sometimes it must to the change in the use of shoes between those of heel and the planes, that force ... More Information

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