Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Disease information

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia - HIPERnatural.COM
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Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Chronic linfocítica leukemia.

It is a cancer of slow development of the organs of formation of the blood that produces a specific type of white globules (lymphocyte)

Commonest in greater men of 60 years.

It is not common in smaller children of 10 years.

It is diagnosed normally through the routine analyses of blood.


According to the accepted theory more at the moment, a white cell of the blood becomes cancerous, being multiplied without brake.

All the leucemic cells (10, 000. 000, 000 at the moment of the diagnosis) come from her.

This one becomes cancerous by multiple alterations in its genes, little characterized.

Signs and symptoms.

The following symptoms appear gradually:

Fatigue and general weakness.

Anemia of slight to moderate.

Firm and engrandecidos lymphatic nodules.

Loss of inexplicable weight.

Susceptibility to the infection.

Nodules in the skin (sometimes)

In a later phase:

Incapacity of resistance to the infections by fungi, virus or bacteria.

Incapacitante weakness.

Factors of risk.

Greater adults of 50 years.

The exhibition to cancerigenic agents (although usually they cause other cancers) physical (radiations) or chemistries.

The anticancerous treatments.


Specific preventive measures do not exist.

Diagnosis and treatment.

The diagnosis tests include:

analysis of laboratory blood.

analysis of brain - spinal liquid.

marrow analysis,

thorax x - rayses.

TAC or escáner.

resonance (RMN)


vertebral drainage.

General Measures.

The gravity of the disease can be determined by the enlargement of the liver and bazo, the anemia and the lack of plaquetas in the blood.

Sometimes, in the slight cases, one does not need to follow a treatment.

The treatment will include the administration to anticancerous the medication patient, followed of a therapy of radiation and sometimes of transfusions of blood and plaquetas.

In cases very counted, transplant of bony marrow after the elimination of all the sanguineous cells by means of total corporal irradiation (indicated and used therapy more in the Leucemias Acute)

The patient will have to protect itself of the dangerous exhibitions to infections and to stay remote of the people who suffer resfriados colds and.

The care of the mouth is important: the mouth with a salt water solution often enjuáguese with the purpose of reducing to the risk of ulcers and buccal infections.


Many people who suffer this disorder require very little treatment.

It is important that the treatment is customized and is followed regularly by its oncólogo doctor or.

Anticancerous medication, including the cortisone.

Medication to control the drop.

It does not take aspirins or any product that contain aspirin since the aspirin increases the possibility of bled as well as the úrico acid stone possibility in the kidney.



Serious anemia.




This affection is considered incurable at the present time.

However, the symptoms can be alleviated or controlled and its remission (disappearance of the symptoms and the cancerous cells of the blood) per long periods can be reached.

This depends on the clinical phase at the moment of its presentation.

The scientific research of the causes and the treatment continue, so the hope of a more and more effective treatment even exists and its treatment.

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