Lupus Erythematosus

Disease information

Lupus Erythematosus - HIPERnatural.COM
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Lupus Erythematosus
Also known like sistémico erythematous lupus, it is an inflammatory, rheumatic and chronic disease, that causes the inflammation of all the conectivo weave of the organism and affects the skin, kidneys, joints, nervous system, lungs and the systems circulatory and digestive.

Autoinmune is an origin upheaval in which the inflammation is produced by antibodies that outside attack the normal weave of the organism as if a this one external invader.

It is not known what originates it, but it mainly affects to the women, appearing approximately only 10% of the cases in men.

Some factors related or located as leading of the disease are:

Diverse virus.

hormonal Factors, by the incidence in the women.

environmental Factors like ultraviolet radiations.

genetic Factors, since there is greater incidence between relatives than they have suffered it.

genetic Predisposition, in which some or several factors can trigger the disease suddenly.

the consumption of some medicines like procainamida hidralazina or.

Generally, it begins to pronounce itself between the 20 and 40 years in 95% of the cases. It mainly affects the joints of the hands, wrists and knees and the muscles, that show much pain and weakness.

IMPORTANT: The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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