YELLOW sorrel

rumex acetosa l

YELLOW sorrel (rumex acetosa l) - HIPERnatural.COM
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YELLOW sorrel
rumex acetosa l
Other names:

Castilian: sorrel, acedilla, agrilla, cruet, Mineta, common sorrel, barberry,

Italian: Romic.

French: oseille des prés, surelle, Surette.

English: Common Sorrel.

German: Sauerampfer.

Definition: herbaceous plant, creeping blackish brown. The trunk is cylindrical and grooved. The leaves have a soft fabric, a bit thick, hairless and a green which is acidic taste. Blancuzcas or reddish flowers are arranged in bunches branched. The fruit, achene trigone, 1. 5 mm in length.

Species family: Rumex acetosella, Rumex patience, Rumex tenuifolius.

Background: The sorrel, as it is known in the thirteenth century and comes from the Latin acidulous OXALIS. The Greeks and Romans knew it and used it for medicinal purposes, is the Middle Ages to re - enter the kitchen. In XVll century would see the heyday of sorrel as food and remedy. This is extracted from the plant bioxalate of potash (salt sorrel)

Properties: Medicinal: diuretic, antiscorbutic, aperitif, digestive, laxative, and tonic estomaquico.

Use: Medical: The roots and seeds can be used in decoction as a diuretic and against skin infections (scabies or forefoot) The fresh leaves or decoction are effective against loss of appetite, the empachos, but it's best to eat the leaves to small doses as they contain oxalates.

Cooking: The raw sorrel does melt or soften the edges of the fish.

Toxicity: Its consumption is discouraged those who suffer from gout, rheumatism, stone or gastric hypersecretion.

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