linaria cymbalaria

CIMBALARIA (linaria cymbalaria) - HIPERnatural.COM
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linaria cymbalaria
Family: Escrofulariáceas.

Description: Plant fragile, herbaceous, perennial, with slender stems, dredgers, issuing radículas with a level of knots, grows hung on the walls or cascading rocks, which is often found in dark places. The leaves have a petiole length variable, and are opposite at the base and then alternate (the film has five or more lobes, ending in tip) palminervias, smooth, a beautiful bright green. The flowers, like leaves, are available at the end of a long petiole and pulled the junction between two sheets. Calyx pentasépalo, tubular corolla composed of two small lips: the top is divided into two lobes and the bottom three. The fruit is a capsule long enough, reminiscent of cloves spices, and containing the seeds. It grows everywhere and during harvest, from April to October, care should be taken not to lose the root.

Used parts: The whole plant except the roots.

Chemical compounds: mucilage, tannins, rubber, acids.

Properties: Antihemorroide, vulnerable.

How to use: Infusion, cataplasms.

Note: Once dried the plant loses virtually all of their consistency and is reduced to powder with ease. Used recently in the field phytotherapeutic, except for the popular use of applying the crushed leaves on recent wounds, as a hemostatic.

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