
prunus serasifera

Quetsches (prunus serasifera) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunus serasifera
Mirobolano plum, plum Pissard, Pisardi.

Family: Rosaceae.

Place of origin: West Asia, Caucasus.

Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Cerasifera of Cerasus, cherry and fertener. Who has produced or cherries, perhaps alluding to their small plums.

Description: arboriforme shrub or tree up to 6 - 7 meters high with the branches open, upward. Bark smooth, dark. Copa broad and rounded. Deciduous foliage. Leaves alternate, simple, ovadas or elliptic, 2 - 7 cm. in length. They have the serrated edge, the apex acute and glabrous, with the exception of the nerve center of the underside. They are green turns to wine in the fall. Flowers usually solitary, from 2 - 2. 5 cm. diameter, white or pink. Appear before the leaves in the month of March - April. The drupe fruit is a reddish - yellow measuring about 2. 5 cm. in diameter. Matures in the summer.

Cultivation and uses: It multiplies by seed and cuttings. Varieties by grafting. It supports a variety of hot and cold climates. Vegeta well in limestone soils and poor as long as you have enough moisture. The most widespread variety in gardening is' Atropurpurea, 'also known as' Pisardii' (Prunus pisardii Carrière) In this variety is the reddish - purple foliage and bark of the trunk is darker. The flowers are white - pink. The var. 'Nigra' has foliage even darker than the previous range. It is used in gardening as a shrub, with branching from the base, or as a tree, with the cross high. The color of their foliage contrasts with the green of other species. It allows the pruning, it can also be used as a high hedge. Is often used as a yardstick to graft other varieties of plums.

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