linaria vulgaris

LINARIA (linaria vulgaris) - HIPERnatural.COM
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linaria vulgaris
Escrofulariáceas family.

Description: Grass upright fitted with a tiny branching rhizome, fitted radículas. The stem is cylindrical and may exceed half a meter in height. The leaves, similar to those of flax, which takes its name the species, are sessile, lanceolate, linear, scattered. The flowers, yellow sulfur, are grouped into a terminal inflorescence. They present a spur later. The capsule is elliptical and the seeds are crushed and membranous. Often grows in the wild on the plains, along the roads in relatively moist places. Is harvested in summer.

Used parts: You use the whole plant.

Chemical compounds: Linerina, fitosterina, mannitol, fat, sugar, tannin, substance colorant, mucilages.

Directions: antiphlogistic, Antihaemorrhoidals, ophthalmic, diuretic.

How to use: Infusion, dyeing, liparolito, dust.

Note: The plant produces a yellow dye substance that formerly was used as a dye in tissues. In some areas, spring shoots are eaten after its boiling. The ointment, obtained from the flowers, was used as in the cases of eye irritation of the eyes. In the country still uses a base of crushed cataplasms of this plant for the healing of wounds and light recently.

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