
amygdalus persica l. - prunus persica  (l.) batsch

Peach (amygdalus persica l. - prunus persica  (l.) batsch) - HIPERnatural.COM
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amygdalus persica l. - prunus persica  (l.) batsch
Prunus persica (L. Batsch.

Family: Rosaceae.

Place of Origin: China.

Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Persica, the Latin persicus - a - um, from Persia, a place through which was introduced this species in Europe.

Description: Small deciduous tree that can reach 6 m in height, though sometimes no more size shrub with smooth bark, Cinderella, which emerges in layers. Twigs smooth, hairless, green on the side exposed to the sun. Simple leaves, lanceolate, of 7. 5 - 15 cm. long and 2 - 3. 5 cm. wide, long acuminate, with a finely serrated margin. Bright green beam, hairless on both sides. Petiole 1 - 1. 5 cm. long, 2 - 4 glands near the limbus. Flowers are usually solitary, sometimes in pairs, almost sitting, pink to red and 2 - 3. 5 cm. in diameter. They appear in the tree before the leaves. Fruit globose, tomentose of 5 - 7. 5 cm. in diameter, yellowish to reddish hues in the part exposed to the sun and a longitudinal groove more or less marked. Ahoy bone, very hard and with sinuous grooves.

Cultivation and uses: Introduced in Europe in Roman times as a fruit tree, having improved the quality of its fruits by crosses. Among its cultivars include: 'Alba', 'Alboplena', 'Atropurpurea', 'Pendula', 'purpurea', 'Rosea', 'Rubra', 'Rubroplena', and so on. As well as varieties nucipersica (nectarines) and platycarpa. chat or Paraguayans) Vegeta better in French soil, loose, with organic matter, permeable neutral. Species demanding water in the warm periods. He hurt the spring frost, as generally coincide with the flowering.


Common name:

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