prunus lusitanica  l.

PALO LORO (prunus lusitanica  l.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunus lusitanica  l.
Laurocerasus lusitanica (L. M. Roem.

Family: Rosaceae.

Place of origin: Species spontaneously in the Iberian Peninsula, Macaronesia and North Africa.

Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Lusitanica, from the Latin lusitanicus - a - um, the Lusitania, Portugal.

Description: Small evergreen tree that can reach 10 m in height, with dark - gray bark. Simple leaves, ovate - lanceolate, from 3. 5 - 12. 5 cm. long and 2 - 5 cm. wide, hairless on both sides, something coriaceous. Range scalloped or with teeth mucron. Make shimmering green and paler underside and glaucous. Petiole 1. 5 - 2. 5 cm. in length. White flowers of about 8 mm in diameter, gathered in axillary racemes 15 - 25 cm. long, longer than the leaves. They appear around June and are not fragrant. Fruit ovoideo of about 8 mm in diameter, hairless, the first green and then purple - black at maturity, on short stalks. Bone smooth.

Cultivation and uses: The wood is pink and is used in woodwork. There are some horticultural cultivars: 'angustifolia', 'Myrtifolia', 'Variegata'.

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