sedum acre

PAMPAJARITO (sedum acre) - HIPERnatural.COM
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sedum acre
Family: Crasuláceas.

Description: From the Latin sedate, calm, for their emollient properties. Fat grass stalks with numerous and very close, crawling or erect. The leaves are alternate, fleshy, slightly separated from each other or even overlapping, sessile, so elliptical. The insertion of the leaf to stem is slightly amplexicaulo. The flowers are yellow, arranged in spikes escorpioides. Goblet has five sepals, five petals and Corolla lanceolate acute. The fruit is a capsule containing seeds ovaliformes. Common on old walls, on the rocks, from sea to the mountains. It measures 5 cm on average. Is collected in spring and summer.

Used parts: The whole plant fresh.

Chemical compounds: Routine, sedidrina, mucilages, rubber, resin.

It is recommended as hypotensive, vulnerable, antiverrugoso, rubefaciente.

How to use: juice, infusion, ointment, enolito, liparolito.

Of interest: On the domestic route, although it presents a hypotensive action, can produce phenomena of intolerance. Its taste is clearly acid. It has been almost always used externally as an effective and harmless natural calífugo. It was also used as a matured on boils, but can cause local irritation. It is a kind and it is impossible to keep the infection because of the difficulty of drying.

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