petasites albus

PETASITES (petasites albus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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petasites albus
Family: Composed.

Description: rhizomatic herbaceous plant with a circular stem, leaf covered with scales. The leaves are kidney - shaped, round, with the lower side tomentosa, whitish in spider's web, with uneven teeth. The radicals have a pod amplexicaula. Yellowish white flowers arranged in apical spike. The fruit is fitted with a achene Vilan. This species is very common along rivers and wetlands, much of the plains as the first - story mountain. Is collected in March.

Used parts: Rhizome.

Chemical compounds: Tannin, bitter substance, inulin, choline, salts, phenol.

As indicated: Emenagogo, vulnerary, sedative, hypnotic.

How to use: Decoction, dyeing, fluid extract, powder.

Of interest: The leaves of this plant used it as old hat pilgrims. The leaves, like those of the coltsfoot, are specific to be taken against the cough infusion. The fleshy petioles can be eaten once cooked like asparagus. The rhizome crushed developed and applied healing and detergent action, given the content of tannin and phenol, on supurantes wounds and sores. Is widely used in homeopathic medicine.

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