platanus orientalls

PLATANO (platanus orientalls) - HIPERnatural.COM
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platanus orientalls
Family: Platanáceas.

Description: From the Latin Plautus, crushed. Tree with stem tall, erect, robust, and bark expires plates, branched, with plenty of glass. The leaves are alternate, slaps, with marked lobes, petiolated with petiole widened at the base. The film presents nerviaciones apparent, retinervias. The flowers are grouped into a nearly spherical inflorescence globosa. The result is a linear tetraquenio and sometimes a follicle, grows easily in a spontaneous, and is grown along roads and highways. Is collected in spring and summer.

Used parts: Leaves.

Chemical compounds: Quercetin, cellulose, tannin dye.

Directions: Astringent, vulnerable.

How to use: Decoction, liparolito.

Of interest: The hairiness of the fruits can cause annoying irritations. Due to its high tannin content, is applied to the wounds and against frostbites in the patients of dysentery. The wood is not very popular, while presenting interesting properties. From the branches and roots produces a substance to dye fabrics.

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