cucumis citrullus

SANDIA (cucumis citrullus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cucumis citrullus
Family: Cucurbits.

Description: herbaceous plant with long, trailing stems, provided with tendrils. The leaves are lobed, deeply divided, corrugated, petiolated, tender, green. The flowers are monoecious: the male bell presented corolla of greenish yellow, with three stamens. The female, in turn, have a simple ovarian monolocular. The fruits are sometimes vegetables and sometimes oval shaped, depending on the variety, with the smooth surface of green or white bands and streaks. The pulp, red or pink, is spongy, translucent, with abundant sugars. The seeds are very abundant, black, and are included in the pulp. Currently this species is known only grown in places plains. Is collected to reach maturity, in the summer.

Used parts: The fruit.

Chemical compounds, salts, vitamins, nitrogen compounds.

Properties: Eudérmica, diuretic.

How to use: juice, pulp.

Note: The caloric content of the fruit is very low and therefore its consumption is advisable for obese people. The water has a strong biological action diuretic, useful in cases of dropsy and renal calcosis. From the seeds an oil is obtained with hypotensive action. The masks are widely used in pulp applications on sensitive skins.

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