euphorbia lathyris

TARTAGO (euphorbia lathyris) - HIPERnatural.COM
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euphorbia lathyris
Family: Euforbiáceas.

Description: biennial herbaceous plant, of about one meter tall, with root axonomorfa. The stem is erect, fistulous, holds ramifications only at the apex. The leaves are opposite, Decus, lanceolate, wide at the base, with the margin smooth. The inflorescence is an umbel provided three to five radios, or lanceolate bracts ACORAZONADO or oval. The flowers are male and female: the first is made up of long stamens, while the women have an ovary at the top of the male flowers. Both have flowers engages in the form of a chalice flared. The fruit is a capsule containing seeds trilocular smooth oval dark and rough. Comes from southern Europe and East Asia and now grows everywhere.

Used parts: Seeds, latex. Seeds chemical resin, oil fixing of palmitic acid, stearic and oleic. Latex: euforbona, resin, gallic acid, malic, acetic.

Properties: Coric, a lever, purgative.

How to use: powders, oils.

Note: As of seed yields a laxative oil on his drastic action that is no longer used. The resin of this kind has not yet been studied in depth and is thought to substitute for their properties, to curare. Sometimes the latex has been used as a depilatory, but with negative results due to a lever action that unfolds.

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