echium vulgare

VIVRORERA (echium vulgare) - HIPERnatural.COM
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echium vulgare
Family: Borragináceas.

Description: From the Greek ekios, Snake, by reference to the similarity of the fruit with the head of this animal. Biennial or perennial plant, with upright stems and roots fusiform simple, silky, hispida, stained with black spots. The leaves are lanceolate and lower whole tomentosa, hispida; the upper sessile and narrow at the base. The flowers, red blue and white occasionally, meet spikes in pyramid with top escorpioidea. Corolla has five lobes in the form of a funnel and five stamens. The fruit is rough and spikes, formed by four achenes. Species common in vacant lots, along roads in the plain areas throughout Europe. The stems can reach one meter in length. Is collected in July.

Parties used: The floral limbs.

Chemical compounds: mucilage, cinogloxina, consolicina, nitrates, tannin.

Properties: Báquica, diuretic, vulnerable.

How to use: Infusion, juice, powders, enolito, tincture.

Note: When you are not yet hispida, outbreaks of the leaves are eaten in salads like borage and presents its properties. The root has been used for extracting a substance red coloring of tissues. The juice is also used in cosmetics as an effective emollient for the red or sensitive skins. Cataplasms of limbs are used fresh for the healing of boils and tabs.

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