albarraz  delphinium staphisagria

ALBARRAZ (albarraz  delphinium staphisagria) - HIPERnatural.COM
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albarraz  delphinium staphisagria
The albarraz is an annual plant, steep and rugged, often reaching one meter in height. Its stem is always right; their leaves, of considerable size, resembling an open hand and are divided into segments, although these are not the same in all of them: are higher in the leaves whole, whereas in the lower lobes have. The number of segments ranging from five to nine. This plant grows preferably in a cool and dark. In Spain can be found at various locations in Spain and the Balearic Islands, Murcia and in several parts of Andalusia.

Albarraz of flowering occurs in summer. Its flowers, of considerable size, are blue and are grouped into bouquets quite long; the cup has four petals, the two oval - shaped lower and two higher facilformes. Sepals, which are five, are greater than the petals, with four of the bottom are the same, while the top has a bag at the base shorter than the sepal. The fruit skin is covered three fairly large and contains many seeds, black on the inside. The seeds are harvested during the fall and then are stored in dark place so they can dry out.

The seeds of this plant contain more than one third of oil. In its composition are also alkaloids, among which the delfinina, which crystallizes easily and is characterized by its peculiar taste bitter. This alkaloid produced death by asphyxiation, acting on the nervous system. Thus, it is not appropriate to use this plant without a prescription. Its seeds must not be used for internal road.

Formerly it was very common to use it to combat the lice, by reducing the seeds to dust. Also this powder was mixed with oil and spread as to where that nest lice. Historically have been ascribed other virtues, such as soothe the pain of teeth if boiled with vinegar or heal wounds when mixed with honey. In medicine it is used for the main alkaloid of this plant in very small doses as antineurálgico, mainly in facial neuralgia. This plant is poisonous. Interest for external use only. Powder. Reducing the seeds of the plant to powder and sprinkled on the area in which insects. You can mix with talcum powder to reduce the action of the caustic dust from the seeds.

Cooking: It's on a liter of boiling water 20 gr. of seeds and is spread by the place in which it insects.

Analgesic. Antiasmático. Cardiotonic.

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