androseno  hypericum androsaemum

ANDROSENO (androseno  hypericum androsaemum) - HIPERnatural.COM
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androseno  hypericum androsaemum
The androsemo is a plant that is dry during the winter and bloom again in spring. Usually measured two to four spans, and presents some large sheets that have no hair and are distributed throughout the plant grouped in pairs. They are linked directly to the branches and its shape is ovoid, more and acorazonada widened at the base. This plant can be found near sources and streams in forests and groves of the northern half of the peninsula. Always is close to wetlands.

Flowers during the months of June and July. Their flowers are large, yellow and give off a pleasant smell. The cup is made up of five sepals of different sizes and the corolla has five petals. The stamens are very abundant and taller than the Corolla. The flowers of this plant are harvested in June, when they are in full bloom, the leaves are also collected at this time. The fruit has a dark crimson color that has just become black and contains the seeds of a purplish color. From this plant can be used leaves, flowers and seeds. Can be applied inside and outside and is especially good as vulnerary, aperitive and decisive.

It has a bitter principle arising out of their properties as a starter. It can also be used to heal wounds and sores and finally, in some cases, is used to relieve congestion small liver or lung. Either way, is a plant from which little is known: its composition is unknown and hardly used in medicine. Formerly used as a home remedy for curing and treating diseases whose origin was unknown. The androsemo - called sanalotodo since it is commonly used to cure any disease, was seen as decisive, that is, able to solve any ailment. Today, virtually unused, because the little effect attributed to him are largely outweighed by many other species that are more plentiful and better known.

Infusion: Put a cup of boiling water with a little androsemo and then withdrew the plant. They take three cups a day before meals.

Cooking: Put water to cook with a few sheets for 5 minutes. It takes a cup before meals.

Appetizer. Vulnerary. Resolutivo.

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