prunus serrulata lindl.

JAPANESE CHERRY (prunus serrulata lindl.) - HIPERnatural.COM
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prunus serrulata lindl.
Place of origin: East Asia.

Etymology: Prunus, Latin name of the wild plum. Serrulata, from the Latin serrulatus - a - um = sawing with tiny teeth, alluding to its leaves.

Description: deciduous tree that can reach 20 m in height, with brown or greyish bark with many lenticelas. Simple leaves, ovate or ovadas - lanceolate, from 7. 5 - 12. 5 cm. long and 3 - 6. 5 cm. wide, long acuminate. Margin single or double sawing, finishing each tooth in a rigid cilia. At first have a copper color to green after being dark for the beam and the underside glauca; hairless on both sides. Petiole about 2 cm. in length equipped with 1 - 2 glands. Pink or white flowers 2 - 3 cm. in diameter on clusters of short pedicels with 2 to 5 flowers. They appear at the same time that the leaves in April - May. Fruit rounded, about 6 cm. in diameter, blackish color.

Cultivation and usage: In Japan is regarded as the national emblem and is part of the legendary heritage of the country. It is extremely valuable ornamental tree grown too. There are some horticultural varieties, such as: 'serrulata', 'Hupehensis', ' Spontanea ', and so on.

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