
arctium lappa

Mop (arctium lappa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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arctium lappa
It has stretched the stems, the heart - shaped leaves and gently toothed, green above and whitish Vella and by its dorsal side. It produces purple flowers. Its roots are thick and black.

Collection: at the start of the spring, booting the whole plant, roots washed 1as and then cut into slices, which dry to mild heat.

Part used: root.

Properties: purifying, sudorific; promotes the secretion of bile, diuretic (kidney, bladder)

Directions: rheumatism, gout, escrofu1ismo, eruptions of the skin, varicose ulcers, acne, boils, eczema and suppurations, and so on. Especially indicated in the impurities from the skin.

Use: in one tablespoon of baking cup for three days to spread. For external use, the same cook to combat outbreaks of the skin.

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