cardo santo cnicus benedictus

Sudorific (cardo santo cnicus benedictus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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cardo santo cnicus benedictus
Other Names:

Blessed thistle, Blessed Centaurea, Centaurea sudorific.

This has been the pompous title of "saint" or "blessed" because of its many medicinal properties, but mainly because of its impact against the plague. Was used during the Middle Ages against this dreaded disease, possibly with more faith that success. In the fifteenth century was provided to the Emperor Frederick III of Germany, which suffered from severe headaches. After you've been seen as a remedy for almost all diseases, modern chemical - pharmaceutical research has revealed its real applications.

Habitat is spreading across Europe and Asia. Occasionally is also found in North America, as well as in Chile and Argentina. Ribazos own boundaries on land and dry.

Description: plant from 20 to 50 cms. With stem and leaves hair, belonging to the family of Composed. Its leaves are large and thorny, with very pronounced veins on underside. Chapters flower, few in number, are yellow, and are surrounded by reddish spines.

Parties used: stalks, leaves and flowers.

Properties and indications: contains a bitter principle, the cnicina, which acts by stimulating the glands that secrete digestive juices in the stomach and small intestine. Hence his stomach tonic, digestive and appetizer. He also favors the functions of the liver and pancreas, and desinflamar to decongest these bodies.

In reality, these properties are common to most of the plants rich in bitter substances. But the holy thistle has the advantage of owning, in addition, a significant percentage of mucilages and tannin, that enhance its action on the digestive system. Therefore, its main indications are:

Digestive sluggishness, lack of appetite, vomiting and heavy digestions.

Antiseptic and healing in external application, mainly due to the antibiotic properties of its active ingredient, the cnicina. According to Fernandez and Nieto, this substance is effective against bacteria type of gram - negative, such as Brucella, the Shigella and Escherichia coli. It is used to wash wounds, skin ulcers and baths for a seat in case of hemorrhoids.

Hipoacidez gastric, ie shortage of juices in the stomach.

Insufficiency of liver and pancreatic.

Exhaustion and convalescence from debilitating diseases.

Febrífugo diuretic and, because of its content in flavonoids and essential oil.

Hypoglycaemic: Recent investigations have revealed that the plant lowers the blood glucose level. Therefore it is a good complementary treatment of diabetes.

Use: in infusion or decoction made with a handful of fresh or dried leaves, from 30 to 50 grams per liter of water. Take up to 3 cups per day, with meals. If the tea is too bitter, can be sweetened with a little honey or brown sugar. For its external use, use towels soaked in a decoction made with a handful of leaves, stems and / or flowers for every liter of water. Applied locally in the area over the affected skin. You can also take a bath seat with this decoction.

Precautions: The herbal teas and decoctions for internal use should be fairly diluted, otherwise it can produce a very intense effect on the stomach, which can run to vomit.

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