pistada lentiscus

LENTISCO (pistada lentiscus) - HIPERnatural.COM
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pistada lentiscus
Anacardiáceas family.

Description Shrub with abundant ramifications and evergreen, paripinnadas, with oval leaflets or elliptical, sessile, coriacea, brilliant. The top surface is green, the less opaque and clear. Borde whole. Petiole flattened and winged. The flowers are arranged in small clusters in the armpit of the leaves, with the cup pentalobulado and five stamens. Reddish color. The fruit is a drupe almost spherical, the first red and then black, containing a white seed. Aromatic and the odor is a typical Mediterranean species, growing in coastal areas while the interior is very rare. It can reach up to 3 m. Is harvested in spring.

Used parts: Resin.

Chemical compounds: Essence, tannin, masticina acid, chewing.

Properties: Expectorant, antidiarrheal. Instructions for use powders.

Of interest: The resin that comes from spontaneously or after the incision is known popularly as the "mastic". Its recalls the smell of turpentine and is often used as a dental adhesive, and also in the food industry for the manufacture of chewing. The restorers also used and the photographic industry. From the seeds of lentiscus, you get an oil with high yield, suitable for lighting, saponification and manufacture of cosmetic preparations.

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