
anemone nemorosa

Nemorosa (anemone nemorosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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anemone nemorosa
Family: Ranunculáceas.

Buy nemus, forest. Perennial plant of up to 30 cm. with creeping rhizomes and many radículas, fragile. The escapees floral measured up to 30 cm. and argue pink or white flowers (some varieties, simultaneously, pink and white) The flowers appear after the number of escaped floral in one or two, have a long stalk and are deeply divided, toothed, pubescent. The flowers present six sepals, the fruits are achenes. Preferably live in forests and meadows in the mountainous area and submontane. Is collected in spring before flowering.

Used parts: plant.

Chemical compounds: Protoanemonina and anemonina.

Properties: Rubefaciente, toxic.

How to use: Use external and internal allopathy in homeopathy.

Note: This species is used only in rheumatic diseases in local friction. In some regions, in the practice of medicine homemade prepares used a macerated in wine rinses as odontálgico. However, due to its toxicity, its use is discouraged.

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