mespilus japonica

LOQUAT APAN (mespilus japonica) - HIPERnatural.COM
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mespilus japonica
Family: Rosaceae.

Description: Tree trunk erect, branched and branches tomentosa. Ovadas leaves or lanceolate, coriaceous, rough, penninervias, toothed, shiny green. Flowers in spike terminal, pentadentado chalice, obovados white petals. The fruit is pulpy ellipsoidal shape, is yellow, smooth, contains large seeds, light brown. This species comes from China and Japan and was naturalized in the temperate and Mediterranean. It reaches a height of 4 - 5 m. Is harvested in summer.

Used parts Frutos, leaves. Sugars chemical compounds, tannin, citric acid, malic acid salts.

Directions: Astringent, nutrient, expectorant.

Preparation: Pulp, decoction.

Details: With the fruits are prepared preserved gels easy digestion and mild expectorants properties. Through fermentation, gives a slightly alcoholic drink. The leaves are used as an astringent decoction as intestinal and oral thrush in the mouth. The same action is accomplished with the decoction of the ramifications.

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