diospyros kaki

PALO SANTO (diospyros kaki) - HIPERnatural.COM
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diospyros kaki
Family: Ebenáceas.

Description: Tree fitted with upright stems and branches with a glass ball, sharp branches, up to 10 m in height. The leaves are oval, oblong, slightly acuminate, brilliant in the upper layer, pubescent at the bottom, with the nerviación outstanding. The flowers are solitary, with the cup larger than the Corolla, which is yellowish. The male flowers have up to 24 stamens, and 8 female. The fruit is a berry globosa with 8 compartments and 8 seeds crushed oval, harsh and acuminate, with the yellow - orange pulp, viscose, sweet. The plant comes from Japan, but now is grown throughout the Mediterranean basin. The fruits are harvested in winter.

Used parts: The fruit.

Chemical compounds: glucose, fructose, proteins, tannins, carotene, vitamin C, pectin.

Properties: Astringent, laxative, nutritive.

How to use: Pulp mature or immature.

Note: With the fruit, after its maturation, preparing nutritious gourmet jams. In cosmetics, serves for the preparation of masks based on immature fruit pulp, with fortaleciente action. The flesh is ripe laxative action on children.

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