
romero rosmarinus offlicinalis

Rosmarin (romero rosmarinus offlicinalis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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romero rosmarinus offlicinalis
Other Names:


It is also known as Rosmarino and some authors call it "the ginseng of Spain. " The leaves are used mostly and sometimes the flowers. It is a plant rich in active ingredients and their action is carried on almost all organs Its essential oil content gives it a tonic and stimulant on the nervous system, heart and circulatory system. It is also colerética, colagogo, antispasmodic, diuretic, emenagogo and antigonadotrópico.

In external use is antineurálgico, antineurálgico, antirheumatic, healing and stimulating the scalp.

Indicated in cases of nervous exhaustion, fatigue, convalescence, digestive and liver disorders, rheumatism, gout, migraine, etc.

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