Disease information

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Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, Still's disease.

Chronic inflammatory disease of connective tissue, joints, which mainly affects children.

It affects the joints, especially knees, elbows, ankles and neck.

It can also affect the kidneys, heart or in severe cases.

Appears between 2 and 5 years old.

It is four times more common in girls.


It is probably an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own tissues.

Often the first symptoms are associated with emotional stress.

Signs and symptoms.

Pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints of the toes, knees, ankles, shoulders or neck.

Some children refuse to go without being able to explain why.

The temperature rises to over 39 degrees, usually in the afternoon.

The fever is often accompanied by rash and chills.

Poor appetite, weight loss.


Irritability, lethargy.

Inflammation of the lymph glands.

Eye pain and redness.

Chest pain (if the disease is so serious that affects the heart)

Risk Factors.



Until this has not been able to prevent.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


History and physical examination by a doctor.

Blood tests, including determinations autoinmunológicas.

X - rays of affected joints.

Sometimes, X - rays show no changes until the advanced stages.

General measures.

Make sure the child resting on a hard mattress, providing him with good support.

Take it to the ophthalmologist at least twice a year for detection of uveitis.

Encourage the child and its surroundings have a positive attitude.


Your doctor may prescribe aspirin or other non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and inflammation.

In severe cases it may be necessary to prescribe anti - inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs corticoesteroideos.


The child must stay in bed during the attacks, until the fever and other symptoms remit.

It may be necessary to the use of immobilizing splints to protect the joint inflammation.

After an attack the child will return to their normal activities gradually taking some breaks throughout the day.

You should not get tired and sleep at least 10 to 12 hours each night.

The doctor will recommend exercises to the child once it is sufficiently recovered.


No special.

Advise your doctor if.

The following symptoms occur during treatment: Pain in the chest. Fever.

Loss of appetite.

New unexplained symptoms. The drugs used in treatment can cause side effects.


Condition of other tissues, causing So far, this disease is considered incurable.

However, at 75% to 80% of the cases referred to completely reach puberty.

The attacks usually last a few weeks and come and go throughout childhood.

In general, the symptoms can be controlled by treatment.

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