Muscle cramps

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Muscle cramps - HIPERnatural.COM
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Muscle cramps
Muscular cramps.


The cramp is an intense, painful and involuntary contraction of a muscle or a muscle group, that can have like origin several causes:

static Alterations: contractura.

muscular Effort: cramp of the sportsman.


• Hidroelectrolítico.

• Neurological.


Several plants could be of utility according to the type of cramp: Hawthorn to albar, Willow, Queen of the meadows, black Grosellero, Ginkgo and Eleuterococo.

1 Contractura:

In order to alleviate the contracturas it could be recommended, by its sedative and miorrelajantes properties, hawthorn to albar associate to plants with antiinflammatory properties already described in this volume as they are: willow, reigns of the meadows and black grosellero.

2 Cramps of the sportsman:

The cramps of the sportsman are plurifactoriales. They must to hidroelectrolíticos problems mainly, often caused by a momentary diminution of the local vascularización, for that reason, would be possible to be associated ginkgo, that improves the microcirculation (to see presentation detailed in the volume nº4) and eleuterococo, that a specially useful revitalizante action has during the muscular effort (to see presentation detailed in the volume nº2)

Plants adapted for this disease.

Hawthorn to albar.

White Willow.




Queen of the meadows.

Black Grosellero.

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