Rheumatic fever

Disease information

Rheumatic fever - HIPERnatural.COM
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Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever.

Inflammatory complication of infection by group A streptococcus, which affects many parts of the body, especially the joints and heart.

Streptococcal infections are contagious, but not rheumatic fever.


joints (arthritis)

heart and heart valves (all layers can be affected)

skin (appearance of nodules)

and brain (sometimes)


Permanently damaged heart valves, which induces congestive heart failure.

Rarely, cerebral sequelae final.

Deformation and joint destruction.


It can be cured with treatment.

In some cases, rheumatic fever can damage the heart valves.

A damaged valve can be replaced with surgery (one of the most common causes of valve replacement)

In a few cases, rheumatic fever is fatal even in the case.

Call the doctor if.

During treatment, raises the following symptoms:

Swelling in the legs or back.


Vomiting or diarrhea.


Abdominal pain.


Presents new unexplained symptoms. Drugs for the treatment can cause side effects.

Diagnosis and Treatment.

Health precautions.

History and physical examination by a doctor.

Blood tests, cultivation of secrecciones throat and ECG.

Chest X - rays and heart.


Home care after diagnosis (mild cases)

Hospitalization (severe cases)

General measures.

Take the temperature and pulse of the patient and write to your doctor.

Use a humidifier nebulizer to the patient when he hurt his throat or cough.


Your doctor may prescribe:

Steroids (anti - inflammatory drugs) or aspirin to reduce inflammation.

Diuretics to reduce fluid retention.

Antibiotics to eliminate any remnants of strep bacteria.

At first, liquid or soft diet, which will progress to a normal diet high in protein, calories and vitamins.

Risk Factors.

Poor diet.

Family history of rheumatic fever.

Living in crowded or unsanitary conditions.

Living in crowded or unsanitary conditions.


Ask your doctor for a crop to detect the presence of streptococcus in the throat, especially when childhood.

You must follow a rapid treatment with antibiotics in case of any streptococcal infection, including the skin.

These infections must be treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin, 10 DAYS FOR ORAL OR WITH AN INJECTION OF LONG - TERM CARE.

Signs and symptoms.


Inflammation of the joints characterized by.



swelling and heat,

that can move from one to another joint.

It affects mainly wrists, elbows, knees or ankles.

The joint inflammation is usually refer to the 10 or 14 days, but without treatment, can move to other joints.


Fever, fatigue, pallor.

Loss of appetite, malaise.

Abdominal pain, chest pain.

Mild skin rashes on chest, back and abdomen.

Small packages, painless, under the skin in areas such as bony elbows or knees.

If it affects the heart:


Fluid retention with swelling of legs and back.

Rapid pulse, especially in lying posture.

Uncontrollable movements of arms and legs (chorea) when it affects the brain.


Rheumatic fever is preceded by a streptococcal infection, usually in the throat, which occurred from 1 to 6 weeks before the manifestation of symptoms.

It is probably an autoimmune disease where the antibodies produced to attack the bacteria to attack the tissues of the joints or the heart.

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