Vitamin C

Information about vitamin

Vitamin C
Vitamin C, also well - known as acid ascórbico is excellent antirust a beneficial one in the neutralization of the action of free radicals. It is a hidrosoluble vitamin, reason why it leaves the body quickly and its ingestion must be continuous for its better advantage.


Necessary to produce colágeno, important in the growth and repair of the cells of the weaves, encías, glasses, bones and teeth, and for the metabolization of fats, reason why the power is attributed to reduce the cholesterol to him. Investigations have demonstrated that a rich vitamin feeding C offers a protection added against all type of cancers. Effects attributed to this vitamin: better healing of wounds, lightening of encías bleeding, reduction of the effect of many producing substances of allergies, prevention of the common resfriado one, and in general fortification of the defenses of our organism.

Daily dose.

Suckling baby:

6 Months: 35 mg.

1 Year: 35 mg.


1 to 6 Years: 45 mg.

6 to 10 Years: 45 mg.

Men: 50 mg.

Women: 50 mg.


Escorbuto: hemorrhages of small and great size in the skin that are transformed into you will articulate; inflammation of pilosos follicles, swelling and hemorrhage in encías, among other symptoms that can lead to the death.


Deficiencies of this acid, are the colágeno deficiency, causing anemia, slowed down growth and low of defenses. Although she is not toxic, it can have some complications by high vitamin ingestion C as he is diarrea and nausea.


Rich vitamin fruits and vegetables C (% of daily amount recommended by 100g) Coles of Brussels Coliflor Fresas Kiwi Currants Lemon Melon Orange green Pepper Nabo Tomato.

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