
Disease information

Roseola - HIPERnatural.COM
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The roséola, also called exantema suddenly, sixth posfebril disease or exantema, is a very frequent, benign disease and weighs, that affects mainly to minors of 3 years and with greater incidence between the 6 and 24 months.

One appears most frequently at the end of the winter and during the spring and it is thought that it is caused by more of a virus, commonest the one of herpes - 6 human.

It is infected easily from a boy to another one or through the relatives, mainly during the stage of high fever.

Between its symptoms they are:

very high Fever of 39° to 40° that it begins of steep form and it can last between 3 and 4 days.

Eruption in all the body, that appears when the fever descends. It is characterized being pink, with high or flat injuries and begins in the neck and trunk, after days of fever, later to extend to the face, arms and legs.


Inflammation of the eyelids.

A serious complication can be the febrile convulsive crises, that come when the temperature very is elevated, for that reason the importance of controlling it and of watching to the boy or girl.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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