Benign prostatic hypertrophy

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Benign prostatic hypertrophy - HIPERnatural.COM
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Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Benign Hipertrofia of prostate.

It consists of the engrandecimiento, employee of the age of the prostate gland:

Its prevalence (amount of total cases) anatomical increases from a 20% in men of 40 to 50 years, to more of 80% of the greater men of 80 years.

It produces symptoms in a 25% of men of 55 years, raising this proportion until more than half of the men of 75 years.


Diagnosed and treated on time, the prognosis is excellent as far as the life expectancy.

The symptoms can persist, although with smaller intensity.

The prognosis in relation to the sexual life is shadier, being able to be affected by the treatments.


Most important they derive from the obstruction to the flow of tinkles:

it can get to cause a renal insufficiency,

Urinary infections of repetition.

The relation of the HBP with the Cancer of Prostate is doubtful (they are not originated in the same zones of the prostate) being able to affirm that under two diseases that can coexist, but that one does not take to the other.

Diagnosis and treatment.


The diagnosis is made by means of.

the clinic,

prostate palpación by means of rectal tact,

visualization of the prostate by means of ecografia (ultrasounds)

analysis of laboratory to discard renal affectation by the obstruction,

sometimes it is necessary to make dynamic studies of tracto urinary.


Several therapeutic options exist, in relation to the importance of hipertrofia and its repercussion on tracto urinary:


Inhibitors of the receivers alpha one (Prazosin, etc. of isolated form they are useful in a moderate proportion of patients. Associated to the following ones they are quite effective.

Adrenérgicos antagonists (of masculine sexual hormones) more used in the Cancer of Prostate, are useful, but they reduce líbido (the sexual impulse) and the sexual function, reason why they are reserved for tactical missions.


Multiple techniques exist:

From the operation to opened sky, little employee at the moment, very effective and with few functional sequels, but operation of greater surgery, with the own risks of this.

until the techniques of transuretral resección (RTU) by means of the insertion of a tube and the extirpation of the prostate weave by means of electrocoagulación, Laser or microwaves, very little aggressive, but that can produce sequels in the sexual sphere,

happening through the simple incision of the gland (without eliminating it) useful procedure in young patients (with active sexual life) and with glands of small size.


All the treatments, except the antagonists alpha one, and habitaulamnete the prostate incision, can cause problems in the sexual sphere.

Factors of risk.



It does not exist.



It seems to be transtorno multifactorial, under hormonal control.

Signs and symptoms.

It presents / displays the following symptoms:


Disuria (annoyances when tinkling)

Urgency (sensation of urgent necessity to tinkle)

Frequency (desire to tinkle constantly)

Nocturia (desire to tinkle during the night)


Delay in the beginning of the micción,

Spurt of tinkles little powerful, with pauses,

Sensation of incomplete evacuating,

Dripping after finalizing.

Several systems exist to score the clinic, that can orient towards a type of treatment or another one.

It can cause urinary retention, with sensation of abdominal fullness, or pain in pelvis and enlargement of vejiga.

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