robinia pseudoacacia

ACACIA FALSE (robinia pseudoacacia) - HIPERnatural.COM
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robinia pseudoacacia
Other Names:

White acacia, Acacia Espinosa, Robinia.

The false acacia was introduced in Europe in the year 1601 by Jean Robin, gardener of the king of France. Hence its scientific name and one of the vulgar. Although it is used as an ornamental plant, has interesting medicinal properties. With the nectar of flowers the bees produce honey very much appreciated.

Habitat: originally from North America, its cultivation as an ornamental plant has been extended by all the temperate zones of the planet.

Description: tree of the family of pulses from 4 to 20 meters high, with branches fitted with long sharp spines. The flowers are white, hanging in clusters, very aromatic and sweet flavor.

Used parts: flowers and leaves.

Properties and indications: flowers and leaves contain flavonoids, glycosides (robinina) tannin and an essential oil. They are antiespasmódicas (relieve the spasms of the hollow viscera) colagogas (facilitate the removal of bile) and emollients (softens the skin and mucous membranes) They are used as a case of dyspepsia in stomach (digestion heavy) and disorders of the gallbladder. For its emollient action, to protect the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach of excess acid. Recommended in case of heartburn (heartburn) esophagitis and gastroduodenal ulcer. In gargle relieve the irritation of the throat.

Use: It takes infusion made with about 20 grams of flowers per liter of water, which is recommended to take a cup after each meal. For external use gargarismos are made with the same infusion to be used internally.

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