
Disease information

Dyspepsia - HIPERnatural.COM
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Also well - known like indigestión, a pain or malaise in the high part of the abdomen, in the zone of the stomach is pronounced with and is recurrent and persistent and although studies like blood analysis are made, gastrointestinales abdominal ecografías or endoscopías, is not an apparent cause of the annoyances that are accustomed to last sometimes up to three or four months.

Independent of the the malaise that cause the dispepsia functional or not nonulcerosa, as be accustomed to usually denominate, be benign and not associate to any disease serious as can be the cancer of stomach.

Frequently it affects to people between the 20 and 45 years and the causes are not known that originate it, although they are associated to a greater sensitivity in the wall of the alimentary canal.

The symptoms usually appear after to have eaten in excess or to have ingested greasy, sharp foods, excessively condimentados or by to have eaten too much fast, also it is associated to the excessive consumption of spirits that irritate the stomach.

Two types of dispepsia can be mentioned:

the caused one by the delay in the evacuating of the stomach, which produces a satiety sensation.

By some organic problem that it prevents that the stomach correctly moves when doing the digestion.

The symptoms of dispepsia also can be caused to have null and voidable colon, suffering that affect to people with much stress, fatigue or personal problems and are pronounced by diffuse pains in the abdominal area, to have a slow digestion with filling sensation, lack of appetite, diarreas or constipation.

In order to prevent it it is recommended to walk after eating, to take abundant liquids, to eliminate the coffee, to eat in a relaxed atmosphere, not to use clothes very fit and to avoid meals that contain much acid.

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