COFFEE () - HIPERnatural.COM
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On the island of Java is experiencing a marten that feeds on fruits ripe coffee. Farmers have never been prevented, since it chooses the best fruits. Thus, in their droppings can be found the best seeds, which are planted to obtain new copies.

The fruits of coffee, made from a fleshy mass that surrounds two grains flattened and united, consisting essentially of a fabric that contains nutritive 2% of caffeine.

The term refers to the coffee seeds of a tree called the coffee, and the infusion prepared with it. The plant precedes of Ethiopia, where he went to Arabia to the Xlll century. There was consumed in infusion of leaves or seeds after fermentation. The process of roasting is more recent: the first drink, eat know that now, the Arabs instituted at the dawn of the century Xlll At the end of the nineteenth, a fungus wiped out all African tropical plantations. He had to resort to planting new varieties resistant.

FEATURES: Tree up to 8 m tall, of white flowers, very fragrant, being developed in large groups on the branches, with short petioles. It is characteristic flowering, for in a coffee all the flowers of the same generation are opened at once, so that, from day to day, you can move from one plantation to another green completely white. The fruit is a drupe (seed wrapper with fleshy) the size and color of a cherry and in each there are two coffee beans, flowers appear early in the third year of life, but until the seventh starts to become profitable production which is very high for three or four years to begin to decline until 20 0 30.

LOCATION: Originally from Africa, is grown in tropical regions around the world. Only temperatures between 10 and 25 and are lethal temperatures below 5 ° C below zero. The African species is preferred for the production of coffee, however, in Brazil, for example, has introduced the species Coffea released, and islands in Mauritius, which has been christened C. mauritiana. It requires deep permeable soils, eat several areas of Brazil, which provide some of the best coffees in the world, even to displace the legendary 'Moka' Arabic.

ACTIVE: The core component of coffee is caffeine, which represents about 2% of the seed. It also contains sugar, cellulose, fats and tannins. With very little roasting modifies the composition Í grain. The heat destroys the sugars, fats oxidize and pops a caféona essence, which gives the infusion their characteristic aroma.

Medicinal properties: The coffee stimulates circulation, respiration and the nervous system and raises blood pressure slightly. It reduces fatigue, facilitates the mental work. It is very practical in the recovery of alcohol poisoning.

COLLECTING: in dry weather, taking the ripe fruits one by one. On some plantations are expected to fall from the tree out of the ground.

USES AND APPLICATIONS: It is used in infusion from grain dry roasted and ground, with infinite variations in terms of preparation.

Used Part.


Drug Action.

Caffeine is a stimulant of the central nervous system, neuromuscular and psychological level. The potassium salts give it a diuretic action, reinforced by the chlorogenic acids, which are responsible for and expectorante colerética their activity. Increases gastric motility and the intestinal peristalsis. In topical application is lipolytic.


Psycho - physical fatigue, hypotension, bradycardia, dyskinesias gallstones, constipation, bronchitis, opiate poisoning, cardiorespiratory depression.

Localized adiposity (cellulite)


Not to associate with tranquilizers or other stimulants: ginseng, eleuterococo, cola nut, guarana, mate, ephedra, and so on.

Side Effects.

Insomnia, nervousness, tachycardia, palpitations. For its alkaloid content is advisable to take a discontinuous. Its prolonged use causes addiction.

Caution / Poisoning.

It is common for the inclusion of caffeine in antimigrañosas formulations, to be shown that increases the effectiveness of analgesics. In contrast to prolonged treatments can cause headaches as a rebound effect, besides creating dependency.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Infusion (5 - 7 g / l) one to two cups a day, after breakfast and lunch.

Take for short periods.

Topical use: Caffeine or glycolic extract (1: 5) in gels or creams lipolytic.


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