Disease information

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It is serious a mental disease that lasts all the life and alters the thought, the perception, the affection, the conscience and the capacity of the person to act and to be related normally. It appears during the first years of life and the symptoms are pronounced with greater exactitude as of the 10 years.

The psychosis is the contact lost with the reality and it mainly pronounces by deliriums and false ideas about which it is happening and of the identity of the person and produces hallucinations by means of which the patients see or listen to things that do not exist.

During a psicótica crisis, the person is incapable to take care of itself to itself, can inflict injuries and in many cases of arriving at the suicide.

Depending on their origin and cerebral damage, as well as on the stimulus that triggers it, the psychosis can be.

Affective, also as maniaco depressive well - known problem and is pronounced by episodes of euphoria followed by episodes of sadness. This can be confused with the bipolar upheaval.

Alcoholic, characterized by confusion, disorientation, amnesia and hallucinations.

Hallucinatory or delirious acute. Characterized by the sudden of a transitory delirium and variable appearance.

Hallucinatory chronicle, in which similar chronic deliriums appear.

Confusional, that is characterized by the alteration of the conscience, temporary and space disorientation and deliriums.


Infantile, when it appears in a the childhood. Between its variables they are the autismo, the symbiotic psychosis and the infantile schizophrenia.

the organic Idiofrénica or, that is originated from a cerebral injury.

Reactive, which it is triggered from familiar circumstances, social or environmental traumatic.

Toxic, had to the consumption and toxic drug use and substance.

Between the alarm signals that there is to have presents in the case of the infantile psychosis, they are:

Young and young little sociable, timid, without friends and inhibited.

Conducts rare and inexplicable like rising during the night to bathe or to avoid to eat from fear of poisoning itself.

Low of the scholastic yield of surprise and inexplicable form.

Hallucinations, deliriums or aggressive conducts.

Stupidity in the movements, excessive repetition of the same subject with difficulty to spin phrases or to create words.

severe Depressions or attempts of suicide.

IMPORTANT the content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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