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The human organism suitably works thanks to two great systems that control all their functions: the nervous system and the endocrino system, ordered to balance the functions of each organ and the different elements that interact to each other, when some is altered is that changes take place that take to us to suffer diseases as much physical as mental or to even get to die.

The endocrino system is formed by an amount of glands that produce hormones, word of Greek origin that means to stimulate) and that is substances that regulate and control the functions of the body.

We have two types of glands, the exocrinas and the endocrinas, the glands exocrinas count on own conduits in which they spill its secretions so that they arrive thus at the outside of the body or other internal organs, among them are the salivary ones, sudoríparas and the liver.

The glands endocrinas, also called of internal secretion, do not have own conduits, the hormones and other compounds that they secrete, happen directly to the blood that is in charge to transport them to all the internal organs. Between these glands they are the hipófisis, the thyroid, the suprarrenales and the testicles and ovaries.

A gland that is endocrina and exocrina as well, is the páncreas, that in fact are like two organs in one. Most of the páncreas secretes digestive juice that arrives at the thin intestine through the pancreático conduit, but dispersed between the exocrino glandular weave there are microscopic groups of cells endocrinas that produce insulin and other hormones. In the páncreas it has between 2. 000. 000 and 1. 800. 000 of these conglomerates that are called small barren islands of Langerhans.

More than 100 hormones they are secretadas by the glands and each one of them exerts its influence only in the cells to which it goes destined and that counts on special receivers able to recognize their molecular structure, this is one of the so many wonders and mysteries of the human body.

Most of the functions and cycles of the human body they are controlled by hormones, these chemical messengers and although the stomach, the liver, the intestine, the kidneys and the heart, produce some of them, the majority takes place in the hypothalamus and the hipófisis that are the masterful glands:

the hypothalamus, that controls the sexual secretions of the hipófisis, temperature, hunger, thirst and impulses.

the hipófisis, that regulates the growth of the bones and governs the activity of other glands endocrinas.

the gland thyroid, that controls the rate of the metabolism and the corporal development and the paratiroides, that regulate the calcium level in the blood.

the thymus is another gland that governs in the children the production of a type of white globules that help them to fight infections, but that whose function in the adults still is not known well.

the suprarrenales, that control the balance of salts and water and contribute to prepare to the organism for an emergency, like a scare, unusual pressure, intense pain or serious disease.

One more a gland is the páncreas, ordered to regulate the sugar level in the blood.

the pineal gland, is another one of the existing ones in our body and it thinks that it is related by the reproduction.

Other glands that produce very specific hormones, are. The testicles in the man and the ovaries in the women, who control the sexual development in men and women.

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