Chronic bronchitis

Disease information

Chronic bronchitis - HIPERnatural.COM
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Chronic bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis.

It is a chronic inflammation of the bronchial pathways that cause cough and purulent sputum production for at least three months a year for more than two years.

Commonly associated with smokers.


Chronic bronchitis is usually controlled by treatment as long as you are not smoking and not suffering from a chronic underlying disease, such as congestive heart failure, tuberculosis or bronchiectasis.

Chronic bronchitis typically reduces life expectancy if you are a smoker and do not quit smoking or if you suffer from chronic underlying disease.

Can lead in the terminal stage of COPD, heart problems ("cor pulmonale") by the same tired face resistance from the lungs to the passage of blood.

Although the per se does not predispose to chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, the most important factor, smoking, yes.


Recurrent pneumonia (repetition)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which is incurable. It is characterized by chronic shortness of breath, lips and nails amoratados and the subsequent need for a supplemental oxygen.

Diagnosis and Treatment.


The diagnosis is made by history or history, since its definition is that of cough and expectoration for more than three months a year, two years or more.

It is desirable to the conduct of chest X - rays to rule out an underlying disease and to have a point of comparison for the future.

Many other cardiac and pulmonary disorders cause symptoms identical to those of chronic bronchitis. The medical tests to exclude these possibilities in making a diagnosis.


The treatment does not cure but can relieve symptoms and help prevent complications.

QUIT SMOKING: This is the main treatment.

If you work or live in an area with lots of air pollution, will make every effort to avoid or reduce the level of pollution.

Consider changing jobs and / or install air conditioners to filter and control humidity in your home.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature or exposure to cold and wet.

Make deep breathing techniques and bronchial drainage.


Frequent medical examinations.

Antibiotics prescribed by your doctor, to combat chronic or recurrent infections.

Expectorants to soften the secretions. One of the best is water; Get used to make hot tea.

Bronchodilators to open the bronchial pathways.

Your doctor will prescribe medication to treat a possible severe depression or anxiety.

The antitusivos could worsen their situation.


With no restrictions other than the lack of air, which in time will be reduced.

It is important to follow a regular exercise routine because inactivity leads to a prolonged incapacitation excessive.


It is not necessary to follow a specific diet.

Increase consumption of fluids, taking 8 to 10 glasses a day in order to maintain the soft lung secretions.

Signs and symptoms.

Chronic cough or the coughing spasms.

Shortness of breath.

Thick sputum coughing and difficulty.

The production of sputum varies according to whether or not infection.

Risk Factors.

Mix with the causes.


Most important: Do not smoke. This is the most reversible risk.

Avoid irritating fumes into the atmosphere.

Receive medical treatment speedily to respiratory infections.

Avoid passive smoking.



Air pollution.

Occupation: more frequent in women exposed to dust or noxious gases.

Infection: Repeated attacks of acute bronchitis.

Family and genetic factors, passive smoking.

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