Cardiac arrhythmias

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Cardiac arrhythmias - HIPERnatural.COM
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Cardiac arrhythmias
The heart is a muscle that pumps the blood to all the body, as much so that it is purified in the lungs, like so that arrives at each cell of the organism.

This pumping makes it with an amazing rate and constant that only changes a little when we are in complete rest or it is accelerated with the exercise, some disease or scare.

So that the rate is made of normal form, in the heart specialized cells exist that generate stimuli electrical that stimulate to the cardiac muscle so that the blood is contracted and expelled towards the different organs. These cells form nodules and of one from them, called sinusal one, they leave to the electrical stimuli that distribute in the heart determining their contraction and expansion, this also is made in coordination with the vegetative nervous system.

The frequency cardiac more is accelerated in the babies and small children who in the adult people and can consider when this one fluctuates of constant form between the 60 and the 100 beats per minute normal.

The normal frequency cardiac varies depending on the capacity of generation of stimuli in the sinusual nodule and on the vegetative nervous system that is influenced as well by the respiratory rate, increasing the frequency during the inspiration and diminishing during the espiración. So that it is considered normal in an adult person that their beats occur between 60 and 100 per minute.

When the rate of the beats cardiac changes, an arrhythmia takes place cardiac, that is an upheaval that interferes with in the normal rate of the generation or conduction of the electrical impulses what causes irregular series of beats and that can affect the quality of life seriously or until causing the death of those who suffers them.

The arrhythmias also known like bradicardia, fibrilación, palpitaciones or tachycardia depending on their frequency cardiac, can affect to people of both sexes and any age, even in the childhood.

They are divided in taquirritmias, bradiarritmias and fibrilaciones.

In taquirritmias, the frequency is very fast and irregular and it is over the 100 beats per minute, which sometimes can get to produce a tremor of the skeletal muscle and the rate is lost completely.

In bradiarritmias, the frequency is very slow, smaller of 60 beats per minute and produces among other things the faint of the person, since the brain does not receive sufficient amount of oxygen.

the fibrilaciones appear when the heart rate loses regularity and it is disordered completely.

Generally, the arrhythmias must to some damage of the cardiac muscle or the sinusal nodule, that is the marcapasos natural of the heart. The damage can be caused by an attack to the congenital heart, defects, deteriorated cardiac valves or by some infection, like the bacterial endocarditis.

The risk of the arrhythmias resides in its enormous capacity to transform itself into another upheaval that can take to the death of the person who suffers them.

Another important risk, is the circulatory alterations that can trigger, depending on the type of arrhythmia and the cardiovascular antecedents of the patient. Generally, the people with a healthy heart tolerate or the alterations of the heart rate and not even they get to present / display symptoms since the contribution of blood towards the different organs can stay within the normal limits while the frequency cardiac does not surpass the 100 beats per minute or it is the 60 underneath.

It is not easy to determine the origin of the arrhythmias, nevertheless, are factors as the excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco or caffein and other drugs that can alter the heart rate.

IMPORTANT: The content of this note is informative and it does not replace the medical diagnosis, reason why we do not become people in charge on its use.

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