alsine  stellaria media

ALSINA (alsine  stellaria media) - HIPERnatural.COM
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alsine  stellaria media
It is an annual or biennial plant that can be measured thirty centimeters. The stem is not strong enough to keep it upright, so it is normally found crawling along the ground, except that the ends are usually high. It provides a great number of ramifications. The leaves are oval - shaped, with its completion in punta end, and are arranged in opposite way, starting from each node. The petiole it joins the stalk is increasing as we approach the ground. It is found regularly in uncultivated land near walls and in areas bleak.

We can find the flowering plant for almost the entire year. It has white flowers that are located in the apex zone of the plant and are supported by slender stalks. They have five petals and an equal number of sepals, each petal is divided in two, and sometimes it seems that it has ten. Flowers open at noon and it reminds some smaller stars. The fruit is a capsule of an ovoid shape, with six valves for which is achieved when its opening is the ideal time for germination.

Since ancient times this plant has been used mainly for its expectorant action thanks to its content in saponins, but nowadays this effect has been surpassed by other plants increased activity. Among the many virtues that have traditionally been attributed to this floor emphasizes that refers to their ability to clean up the airways and lungs. Other times has been used for washing topic of the eyes which, thanks to the saponins, creating an effect similar to that produced the current soaps. Also, the juice extracted from this plant was used as an analgesic optician. In veterinary medicine has been used as an appetizer for confined birds in cages, which is precisely in such conditions of captivity often lose your appetite. All these actions are quite poor, so that today their use has been virtually eradicated.

Infusion: We added ten grams of whole plants to 300 milliliters of water boiled and still warm, leaving it to cool for twelve minutes, the liquid obtained is taken throughout the day, so as to further promote expectoration.

Fresh juice of the plant: It may take a spoonful every eight hours, thus strengthening the airways and especially the lungs.

Expectorant. Balsamic. Appetizer.

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