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Other Names:

Anise from China, Badiane.

The star anise tree reminds the laurel, for its beautiful demeanor, and the magnolia, for its decorative flowers. All it comes off a very pleasant aroma similar to that of anise, but more intense. It was introduced in Europe at the end of the seventeenth century, when the spices orientales use was at its peak.

Habitat: originated from southern China, Korea and Japan. Is also cultivated in the southeastern United States and elsewhere in hot and humid in the American continent.

Description: tree of the family of Magnoliáceas, which reaches from 2 to 5 meters in height. Their bark is white and evergreen and so lanceolate. Its star - shaped fruits are 8 to 12 point, brown.

Used parts: the fruits.

Properties and indications: star anise, despite belonging to different botanical family that the anise or common, contains the same active ingredient, a substance rich in anethole. That is why their properties are similar to those of anise: eupéptico (facilitates digestion) and Carmine (eliminates intestinal gas and flatulence) It is very useful in cases of heavy digestions, intestinal fermentation and flatulence (excess gas) For his action slightly antispasmodic relieves the spasms of the hollow viscera (stomach, gall bladder, intestine, uterus, etc.

Use: when prepared in infusion is needed with the lowest proportion anise, which is more concentrated enough with 2 or 3 fruit per cup, 2 to 3 cups per day, after meals. In the dry run was 100 to 300 milligrams a day.

Precautions: the essence of star anise, for its high content anethole, has toxic effects on the nervous system (delirium and convulsions) when taking high doses. Alcoholic beverages made with this substance, can cause poisoning.

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