andira  inermis

LANTS OF COL (andira  inermis) - HIPERnatural.COM
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andira  inermis
Genus: Andira.

Species: inermis, anthelminitica.

Common name: Bark of Col, Cabbage Tree, Pau of Morcego.

Part used: LaCorteza.

This is a beautiful tree from tropical America and West Africa which grow to a height of 20 M. The leaves are compound and arranged alternately by the branches. The flowers are in dense terminal branches, the lilac or pale rose and fragrant. The fruit is almost round the structures, each containing a single seed is big. It is a popular ornamental tree, and is used as shade and flowers attractive couple.

Directions: Anthelmintico, Purgantante, Vermífugoo, Malaria.

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