ASA fetida

ferula asa-foetida

ASA fetida (ferula asa-foetida) - HIPERnatural.COM
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ASA fetida
ferula asa-foetida
Umbelíferas family.

Description: herbaceous plant itself in Afghanistan and Iran, which can reach up to a meter tall with large, fleshy root axonomorfa. The leaves are pinnatocompuestas, carrying segments lacinia. The stem is fistulous and branched. The flowers in umbels apical meet that hold up to 50 radios with petals intact, oval, with the tip retroflexible. Sometimes show also involves a base of bracts and bracteolas. The fruit is almost spherical or ellipsoidal, flattened, with the margin winged, membranous. Is harvested in summer.

Used parts: The oleogomorresina, obtained by incision practiced in the root.

Chemical compounds: Asarresinotanol acid, splints, essence of exenilo, disulfide exenilo, vanilla.

Antispasmódica properties, cardiotonic.

Note: The handle foetid, as it announces its common name, has unpleasant odor aliáceo, very sickening. However, local populations of the regions in which grows spontaneously used as a condiment for food. It acts synergistically with camphor, valerian and the nut vómica, while it is contraindicated with acids. Currently used in the form of a tincture, such as cardiac light.

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