Camphor OF JAPAN

alcanforero  cinnamomum camphora

Camphor OF JAPAN (alcanforero  cinnamomum camphora) - HIPERnatural.COM
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Camphor OF JAPAN
alcanforero  cinnamomum camphora
Other Names:

Camphor from Japan.

The alcanforero is a millennial tree belonging to the family of Lauraceae. The most elderly of this beautiful tree could be measured more.

40 m. tall and up to 3 m. perimeter. The bark is smooth, greyish - brown in color, the leaves are arranged in alternating and are persistent, coarse, whole with little ticked nerviación; flowers are small, hermaphroditic, yellow and green meet in panicles of peaks. The fruit is a berry that holds a seed oil. This tree grows widely in Japan, China and Taiwan.

The alcanforero blooms between April and June, vary greatly depending on the area where you are. The collection for medicinal purposes interested in the central log, since it is runs through this area where the natural camphor, and now we'll see. The natural camphor, also known as the Japan - camphor is often accumulate in the central log as the tree ages.

It is estimated that by the forty years the tree can give a yield of 3% in camphor. In this camphor - and - by certain chemical processes gives the essence of camphor, which is actually used for medicinal purposes since the camphor has been displaced by natural camphor synthetic, made from turpentine. The camphor is readily absorbed by the skin, lung and gastrointestinal mucous membranes and the subcutaneous cellular tissue. It is a substance with strong action rubefaciente and is used by external contrairritante because it causes cutaneous vasodilation and provides feeling. It is often included in the formulation of liniment rubefacientes and ointments that are applied to the skin to relieve pain in muscles and joints adjacent. It also applies in preparations rinológicos as nasal decongestant. Another of the virtues of camphor is that it is a substance stimulating bulbares centers, especially the respiratory center, but is not used clinically as such. The camphor can result in poisoning if used in a way accidental, can detect whether there has been a poisoning by a camphor residual odor that appears in the breath. In addition, due to the stimulation of the central nervous system caused by high doses of a substance analéptica, causes intense headaches, confusion, delirium and, in some cases, hallucinations. The camphor is included in many formulations and commercial preparations, mainly for its power rubefaciente. Also appearing in preparations for its nasal decongestant effect and balsamic percutaneous formulas used in the treatment of disorders of the upper respiratory tract. But in any case should be advised by the specialist staff, ie doctors and pharmacists.

Rubefaciente. Anti - inflammatory. Vasodilator.

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