
biznagaammi visnaga

Toothpicks (biznagaammi visnaga) - HIPERnatural.COM
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biznagaammi visnaga
Other Names:

AMEO, Ami, Daucé, toothpicks, FISTRA, Gingidio, Perla.

For lovers of natural life, I like to know that the radios that form the umbels of this plant, once dry, are magnificent chopsticks toothpicks. They also have the advantage of releasing a pleasant aroma.

HABITAT: grows spontaneously on uncultivated land and dry in the Mediterranean region, of which he comes. Has been introduced in Central Europe and North America.

Description: annual plant of the family of Umbelíferas, which reaches up to a.

meters in height. The flowers are arranged in umbels that can have up to 80 or 100 radios. The species differs from Visnaga Ammi Ammi Majus that the sheets that are stronger and are divided into strips.

Used parts: the fruits.

Properties and indications: the active ingredients of the biznaga, known as furanocromonas (coumarin glycosides) are found in fruits. All have a marked effect antispasmodic and therefore are useful in the following diseases colic nephritic (helps expel the calculations and it would also have a diuretic effect) asthma (for their effect bronchodilator) angina pectoris (for its vasodilator effect) And in general, provided that it is relaxing the various channels and hollow viscera of the body.

Usage: infusion with 30 grams of fruit in a pint of water. After casting, are taken each day 3 cups sweetened with honey.

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