
colutea arborescens

Espantalobos (colutea arborescens) - HIPERnatural.COM
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colutea arborescens
Other Names:

Garbancillo, rattles.

When the wind blows, the pods of espantalobos become agitated against each other to produce a typical sound, is believed to be capable of scaring the wolves. The great botanists of the seniority ignored this plant, who asked not to be used because of its nauseating odor and bitter taste. It currently employs little, but still has its indications as mild laxative.

HABITAT: grows, although quite scattered, in calcareous and mountainous terrain of Europe and western Asia. He is a naturalized in the Americas.

Description: shrub of the family of legumes, which reaches from 1 to 3 meters in height. Its flowers are yellow and red spots. The pods ahuecadas (air - filled) which hold the seeds, measuring 6 to 8 cm in length.

Used parts: the leaves.

Properties and indications: the leaves contain an essential oil, acid coluteico, mineral salts and vitamin G. They have something diuretic and laxative properties. They are used occasionally as a substitute sen. The laxative effect of leaves of espantalobos is softer, less intense than that of other plants laxatives, however, also have a diuretic effect and depurative, which makes advisable for those suffering from constipation and instead of obesity or excess acid.

Usage: infusion of leaves with 100 grams per liter of water. Be sweetened with honey, and takes 3 to 4 cups a day, preferably before meals.

Precautions: The seeds of this plant, which are within the pods, similar in appearance to lentils, are slightly toxic, and ingestion can cause vomiting.

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