escrofularia  scrophularia nodosa

HERB OF THE LAMPARONES (escrofularia  scrophularia nodosa) - HIPERnatural.COM
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escrofularia  scrophularia nodosa
Other Names:

Herb of Lamparones.

The name of this plant is derived from "Scrofulosorum", which is known as the affectation of tuberculous lymph nodes. Its roots, full of nodules, recalls the appearance presented by swollen lymph nodes in the neck by tuberculosis. Guando there were no effective treatments against this serious disease, escrofularia was one of the most popular remedies. Today we still have application in other types of nodules, particularly in hemorrhoids.

HABITAT: grows in the mountainous and temperate climate of Europe and the Americas, excluding the Mediterranean region.

Description: perennial plant of the family of Escrofulariáceas, which reaches 60 to 90 cms. tall. Presents a quadrangular stem, from whose end there is a small bouquet of flowers. Its smell is unpleasant.

Used parts: the whole plant.

Properties and indications: the entire plant contains saponins, flavonoids glycosides, various organic acids and an alkaloid. In internal use is diuretic, although due to its toxicity, will only be used externally for its emollient (calm inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes) and healing, because of its content in saponins. This applies in the form of washes and towels. It is particularly useful in case of hemorrhoids, and to calm the pain they produce, and reduced in size. It also applies in abscesses, infected wounds and furúnculos.

Use: washes and compresses on the affected area with a decoction of 20 grams per liter of water plant. Bath seat with the liquid decoction of the same.

Precautions: The escrofularia should be applied only to external use. Ingested, causes vomiting and diarrhea.

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