euphorbia serpens

HERB Meon (euphorbia serpens) - HIPERnatural.COM
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euphorbia serpens
Names: "Meon yerba", "yerba of the dove", "yerba to swallow, " "lechetres, " "milk", "CAA - cambuy", "CAA - ambuí", "tupaci - cambuy", "tupa cambú - sign ", " Aare ", " kapindéi "language Toba, " Will kachú " (grass track) in araucano - pampa.

Geographical distribution and habitat: From U. S. Georgia) Central America, Panama to Argentina. It is very common at the foot of walls, gardens, orchards, edges of sidewalks.

Brief description of the floor - lying grass, evergreen, with alternating branches and knots radicantes, glabrous. Leaves opposite, ovate - circular to oblong, edges intact, unevenly roped into the base, cutting petiolated. Tiny flowers, terminals. Fruit, ovoid capsule, less than 2mm. With a smooth and ovoid seeds. It blooms in summer.

Uses and part used: The whole plant is used as a diuretic and emenagogo; latex is antitumor, dramatic, against diseases of the skin (corns, warts, herpes, tattoos, external)

Frequently Spergularia replaced by rubra (L. J. et C. Presl. According Amorin (1969)

Obs. According Amorin (1977: 18) occurs frequently the case reverse: to replace Spergularia rubra "arenaria red" by Euphorbia serpens "Meon. ".

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