foeniculum vulgare

FENNEL (foeniculum vulgare) - HIPERnatural.COM
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foeniculum vulgare
Family: Umbelíferas.

Description Of Latin foeniculum, hay, referring to the leaf structure. It is a biennial plant, up to 2 meters high, fitted with a large root fusiform, almost always bifida. The leaves, and very petiolated lacinia, with a large fleshy pods amplexicaule, edible. The flowers are grouped in small umbels which in turn constitute a larger umbel. Corolla is pentapétala, with yellow petals. The fruit is formed by two achenes ovoidal with ribs so apparent. It is unusual to locate the jungle, but it is very common as vegetable. Is harvested from August to November, and spontaneous grows on barren land.

Used parts: The root and fruit.

Chemicals: The essence contains: anethole, pinene, canfeno, limonene, phellandrene, pectin, fats, sugars, calcium oxalate, starch. Is an essential oil obtained by distillation of the fruit, at a ratio of 3 to 7%, with typical odor, color green, and average density of 0. 97.

Properties: Carminative, galactogogo, diuretic, emenagogo, expectorant, antispasmódico.

Instructions for use infusion, fluid extract, tincture, enolito, essence.

Note: The fruits are widely used in the manufacture of liquor and as a preservative in numerous homemade preparations. The essence has bactericidal power in infants and is transmitted through milk. A high dose is convulsive and, if consumed by animals, makes them fearful. As of fennel gives a yellow coloring substance.

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