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The flowering tops.

Active Principles.

Saponósidos: bellisaponósido, virgaureasaponósido. Tannins. Resin. Mucilages. Traces of essential oil. Anthocyanins: cianina 3 - malonilglucoronilglucósido. Organic acids. Bitter principles. Beta - sitosterol.

Drug Action.

Popularly used as antitusiva, expectorant, diuretic, and sudorific vulnerary (healing)


Flu, colds, bronchitis. Gout, rheumatism, edema. In topical use: wounds, boils, skin ulcerations.


Gastritis, gastroduodenal ulcus.

Galenica forms / Dosage.

Infusion: one teaspoon per cup of dessert. 2 - 3 times a day, after meals.


Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M. Dans la Plantes Les Thérapeutiques Moderne. 2. Paris: Maloine, 1986, pp. 102 - 3.

Bézanger - Beauquesne, L; Pinkas, M; Torck, M; Trotin, F. Medicinal plants of temperate Regions. Paris: Maloine, 1980, pp. 383 - 4.

Gupta, MP. 270 Medicinal Plants Ibero - American. Santafe de Bogota: Latin American Program of Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) 1995, pp. 85 - 6.

Paris, RR; Moyse, M. Summary of Matter Médicale. Take III. Paris: Masson, 1971, p. 441.

Peris, JB; Stübing, G; Figuerola, R. Guide to Medicinal Plants of Valencia. Valencia: Las Provincias, 1996, p. 94.

Rivera, D; Obon, C. The Guide INCAFE of useful and Poisonous Plants of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearics. Madrid: INCAFE, 1991, pp. 150, 954.

Van Hellemont, J. Compendium of Phytothérapie. Bruxelles: Association Pharmaceutique Belge, 1986, pp. 62 - 3.

Villar, L; Palacín, JM; Calvo, C. Gomez, D; Montserrat, G. Medicinal Plants of the Aragonese Pyrenees and other tierrras Huesca. 2. Huesca: Provincial, 1992, p. 256.

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